
Learn to Express Your Business Vision

Web Development becomes the visible expression of a long-term dream. In many ways the hardest work in your online business occurs long before you get online.

The seed of your idea was planted long ago. Many storms have come to buffet your seed and the soil surrounding it. The sun of great days came to encourage it to grow. In the end you began to realize there was substance to your dream and the fruit being developed was ripe for the picking. You picked because you knew what to do with the fruit.

This is the point when web development becomes the logical next step. The role of this process is to share your vision. Face it, you understand your vision, the concepts unique to the dream and how others might benefit from what you have to offer. Your web design can welcome others to the party.

This is the point where wannabes are separated from the true visionaries. This is where business branding comes into play. This is the process that asks you to boil down, condense and extract the vital elements of your dream and remain so in control of the vision that you can breathe life into the idea in every phase of your site development.

Some potential business owners will err when they determine to move forward with an ill-defined concept and hope that it works out for them. The truth is it's almost impossible to sell a concept and instill trust when you really don't know what you are doing. It is difficult to be convincing when you're still trying to learn the ropes.

Most consumers will pass on a product if the salesperson can't adequately explain what the product does, how it helps the average consumer and whether the product exhibits exceptional quality.
I don't know about you, but I will happily go to a more expensive computer store to purchase components than to go into a department store where I am greeted by someone who has yet to take their SAT or ACT. More often than not they have general knowledge about computers. After all they are a generation that has known nothing but computers. However, they may not be able to deal in specifics and that's the kind of information I need.

This is the picture of how business owners approach web design. They can be highly specific and have worked hard to so completely understand their objectives that they become natural leaders in the advancement of their dream. They can also be somewhat wishy washy about where they're headed and set things up to resemble something akin to a cyber lemonade stand. There might be the occasional pity buy, but no one seriously believes they are a connoisseur of lemons.

Can you so identify with your dream that you could explain your vision in one well-defined moment, or would it require scattered bits and pieces of thought over a long period of time to catch a glimpse of your dream?

Take time to become friends with your dream. The result will be a web development project that really connects with both you and your customers.
