
The Property Business was Most Safe

The Properti business, was a safest business, with the condition several this was filled by us:

1. Location
Choose the strategic location, for example if property will be leased chose the location that close to the tertiary institution or close to the area of the industry. Also tried to get this location was not too far from the main road, so as to be easy to be covered by the public's transport. Investigate also the environment around it, like the hospital, the market or the shopping centre, and the school.

2. Price
Ascertain property that will be bought by you in the natural price limit. Compared with the price around this location, in accordance with the type of property that was bought by you. Occasionally the developer often played the price. Don't was easy interest the discount advertisement, sometimes the price has been increased before.

3. Developer
In choosing property, ascertained the relevant developer already kredibel. Lest you had problems with the location that was in the dispute.

4. Payment
Payment method in accordance with your pocket. If taking bank made sure the monthly installment did not grip your pocket. And paid attention to the interest of the bank that was taking place. Negotiation was finished until rate lowered! So several tips in the property business. Prepare your money... to begin to be investing since now. generally the value of property (the land, the house) always rose each year. Congratulations tried.